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12th K-UE Meeting Wolfsburg - Magdeburg - Hannover

From 21 to 25 May 2015 the 12th K-UE Meeting Wolfsburg - Magdeburg - Hannover took place.

The VW Beetle Club Última Edición e.V. is known for its unique Beetle Meetings in the scene. On the day of arrival, Club President Walter Köhler warmly welcomed the participants to the meeting and our Club member Annette Schulz sang the song "A cheer for us, what lies ahead of us, a cheer for the Club". The great atmosphere with the anticipation of the eventful days was further supported by the delicious Lower Saxony buffet in the hotel.

But what happened there in Wolfsburg exceeded all previous expectations: From Königslutter am Elm, where the AVALON Hotelpark Königshof was the guest house of the participants, we started the convoy on 22.5.2015 in the morning heading to Wolfsburg to the AUTOSTADT.

This was a spectacular beetle meeting with over 70 beetles! In the AUTOSTADT in Wolfsburg the beetle fans were for the first time warmly welcomed - never before: The exit of the new car delivery point was closed for our beetles - we had right of way. On that parking spot, roofed a symbol like of a huge leaf, which is a testing point for the new cars’s electronic. A unique photo of the parking beetle cars was quite unique. The guests were warmly welcomed by the management - the club board thanked on behalf of all participants with a Bettle model (size of one meter) in the color Aquarius blue with the logo of AUTOSTADT, the Última Edición badge and the K-UE logo.

The guided tours in the AUTOSTADT were excellently organized - each participant got to know the AUTOSTADT in a special way. The highly interesting factory tours followed - unimaginable the workforce and quality aspects in those factory premises and what management is applied to produce this quantity of new cars every day.

A highlight was the DREI ÚLTIMA KÄFER, which were displayed on the banks of the Zeithaus on the AUTOSTADT site: The last beetle built in Aquariusblue, the only UE beetle in Snap-Orange and a UE beetle in Harvestmoonbeige. In wonderful views, in the background the VW power plant with its four chimneys. The has the K-UE-Club made beetle history again! The formation at the AUTOSTADT with its power plant of the Volkswagen was never done before.

The StadtCafé in the AUTOSTADT was booked for the K-UE guests for lunch and coffee.

A tour of the Volkswagen Museum Foundation was prearranged by bus, followed by a "factory tour experience" on the Mittellandkanal.
In the evening, a great asparagus buffet was set up in the hotel, information on the next day was announced by the club board and a review of the first eventful day in Wolfsburg. DJ Johannes provided the musical entertainment.

A Norwegian report (10 MB) was also written about the meeting.

The second day did not lack on highlights: A convoy in the morning of June 23rd,2015 we drive directly to the Volkswagen factory premises. A unique special permit! The Beetle convoy drove across the factory premises with a VW police station car as the guiding vehicle with flashing blue light; a unique and proud the Beetle community it was. Stopover points for photo sessions were at the historical walls of the VW plant with its VW power plant and the four chimneys in the background.

The convoy then moved to the banks of the Mittelland Canal of AUTOSTADT and opposite the VW plant. We had a special permit and a spectacular event never seen before, when more than 70 beetles lined up on the banks of the Mittellandkanal. What an enthusiasm for the Beetle Friends and lots of spectators! The next highlight was on the agenda: The Beetle convoy turned at the banks of the Mittellandkanal and drove to Vorsfelde to the AUTOSTADT-DEPOT, where about 200 vintage cars of many brands could exclusively be visited. Afterwards the convoy moved back towards AUTOSTADT to the reserved parking spots. We visited the Time House with all its car demonstrations. In the workshop next to the restaurant La Coccinella coffee and cake was provided for us.

A very special THANK YOU to the AUTOSTADT management and its employees.

In the evening at the Hotel AVALON Königspark, in addition to the excellent barbecue buffet, an interesting club evening and lots of interesting items from the Käfer displayed along the perfect entertainment with DJ Johannes. A review of the second adventure day in Wolfsburg with information about the special permits issued by the club president showed the great cooperation with AUTOSTADT. This was followed by information for the coming day, packed with it further features with special permits.

The next morning, 24.5.2015, the beetle convoy had its destination at the Marienborn memorial site on the A2 motorway, the former border checkpoint of the GDR.

Her too, beetle history was written on the site: All beetles were allowed to be parked. There has never been a visit like this before, and the strict orders of the regime was explained to us by staff in detail.

The convoy then moved over the motorway to Magdeburg-Rothensee to the "waterway intersection Magdeburg". There was also a parking place reserved where the beetles were parked. With the ship "Großer Kurfürst" we went for five hours journey to the lock Rothensee, trip to the Elbe on the descent canal. Downstream to the lock Niegripp, lock through the lock Niegripp on the Elbe - Havel - canal, locked through the double savings lock Hohenwarthe on the Mittellandkanal and the crossing of the Trough bridge/waterway junction and back to the ship docking of the shipping company Kaiser to the ship lift. Very interesting, what was technically realized with the locks and water bridges.

To see a little more of the beautiful landscape we preferred the country roads returning journey to Königslutter.

The evening in the hotel was an excellent Italian buffet prepared; the mood among the participants was excellent and everyone looked forward to the handing over of the participant certificates by the president and vice-president. Information for the coming day was given and Anette sang the song again by popular request: "A toast to us ... Thank you very much.

In the morning of 25.5.2015 the Beetle convoy went through the scenically very beautiful Elmtal, then it went over the motorway towards Braunschweig and from there to Hanover to the Oldtimer Volkswagen Commercial Vehicle Collection. It was, thanks to an exception that on Whit Monday morning this non-public collection was shown to the K-UE-Club.

Beetle fans were also warmly welcomed there. The Beetle drivers were greeted by the last built T2c-Bulli on the parking lot! After the beetles had been parked, the most diverse VW-Bullis and VW-Transporter were visited. Guided tours were made and even the restoration rooms were shown, and access was granted. Yes, there was a T1 and T2 vehicles completely rebuilt.

This unique K-UE beetle meeting passed also much too fast.

VW-Käfer-Club Última Edición e.V.

Möwenweg 16
41239 Mönchengladbach
Tel. +49 2166 310757

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