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RETRO CLASSICS Stuttgart, March 7 - 10, 2013

For the first time, the VW Beetle Club Última Edición e.V. had a club stand at the RETRO CLASSCIS from March 7 to 10, 2013. The newly designed club stand was on display.

The concept is designed so that three pictures can be seen on one display - these are pictures from the first to the ninth K-UE meeting, and can be supplemented with pictures from subsequent meetings. The back wall and the counter are covered with the original advertising for the Última Edición Beetle; on the back wall there are pictures of the UE production as well as our VW logo (Nördlingen) and the lineup of Beetles in front of the VW plant in Kassel (50 years) - all in all an impressive representation of our club.

The new club stand
The new club stand

The two cars on display were an aqua blue Última Edición from our club members Heinz, Marc and Tim Wetzel and a clementine VW 1300 (built in 1970) from Alexander Kukk. With these two cars we could show that the shape of the Beetle built in Mexico until 2003 is almost identical - but the Beetle fan can see the detailed changes made in Mexico. Many interesting conversations were held at the exhibition - the visitors were very pleased to see our club there. We were also able to gain new members. Even a Mexican was so surprised and overwhelmed to see the Mexico Beetles at RETRO CLASSICS that he asked us to give him the "SEDAN" sign that we had attached to the front of the UE. We complied and it was worth a generous donation to him!

The Beetle is always good for a surprise!

We had placed the corresponding models on the two Beetles, which was a great photo motif and was photographed again and again. Our pictures from our meetings also attracted a lot of attention and were photographed many times.

Special thanks to the Beetle owners for lending us their cars, which contributed to our good appearance in Stuttgart.

VW-Käfer-Club Última Edición e.V.

Möwenweg 16
41239 Mönchengladbach
Tel. +49 2166 310757

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