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On Saturday, 16 July 2016, there was great joy again at the HEPHATA Institution for the Disabled! Christel and Walter Köhler made the wish of 8 residents to be driven around in a VW Beetle come true.

Two Beetles drove up, one with the "new" Club Beetle and one with the Tornado Red Beetle of our Club President for a trip to the rural surroundings of Mönchengladbach. What a feeling among the handicapped people: People come to make us happy, to brighten up our everyday life and and...

Several days before, they were asked by the home management who would like to join the excursion in the Beetle - and spontaneously 8 residents were on the list! Therefore, it was good to drive with two Beetles, so that 6 participants could take part in the first round trip and it was great for the passengers to keep an eye out for the other Beetle, because traffic lights or other road conditions did not allow them to always drive one after the other. So the experience was doubly enjoyable. The two aspirants who were not yet driving were then each given an extra tour in the Beetles. During the ride, a lot of stories were told and some of the knowledge from early years about the Beetles was recounted by the participants.

It was again nice to see how the Beetles can give great joy to people who can no longer participate in daily life without help. The trips with the Beetles have been going on for years - and the organisers are warmly thanked. The disabled people are already looking forward to the next outing for coffee in a mill or at a lake.

VW-Käfer-Club Última Edición e.V.

Möwenweg 16
41239 Mönchengladbach
Tel. +49 2166 310757

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