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15th K-UE Meeting Black Forest

from 18 - 21 May 2018

Friday, 18 May 2018: Arrival

This time the Black Forest was the meeting point of more than 50 beetles. A north tour and a south tour on specially selected routes – the beetles are in their element to let off steam uphill and downhill – on these fascinating landscapes.

Our big beetle family waited for this meeting with a lot of excitement and joy. The Waldsägmühle Nature Park Hotel in Kälberbronn was the meeting place and conference house. On the day of arrival, the club board welcomed the participants with a drink; for the beetles, the entire hotel parking lot was available.

With an excellent dinner "Regional menu around the nature park North Black Forest" there was an excellent introduction to this meeting; with interesting conversations among like-minded people, we ended the day of arrival.

Saturday, 19 May 2018: Drive through the Southern Black Forest

At 08:00 o'clock the beetle convoy set off towards the southern Black Forest: Kälberbronn, Freudenstadt (Black Forest Valley Road) Lossburg - Alpirsbach - Schiltach - Wolfach. A detour through the historic city centre was a nice surprise on the way, before we went via Hausach to Haslach in the Kinzigtal. By special permission the beetles were allowed to enter the historic old town of Haslach in the Kinzigtal, a first stopover. Since there was a market at that time, many people became aware of the beetle spectacle. Special thanks go to the city administration for culture and marketing, which also announced the "beetle rush" through the local media.

The convoy continued towards Elzach, shortly before Waldkirch the convoy turned onto the Black Forest Panorama Route towards Kandel. There we reached with 1241 m the highest point of this distance; the view from the Kandel is uniquely beautiful.

The trip led us further through scenic areas via St. Märgen to the Hexenloch Mill. A Black Forest farmer's vesper, a specialty of the Hexenloch Mill, was waiting for us.

We continued our journey via Kaltenherberg, Furtwangen, Triberg on the German Clock Route in the direction of Hornberg to Schramberg. There the beetles were welcomed on the grounds of the Car and Clock Museum ErfinderZeiten. Many a surprise awaited them on four floors of the museum!

Then the convoy returned to Kälberbronn; the chef spoiled the beetle fans with a "Mediterranean buffet".

Sunday, 20 May 2018: Trip through the northern Black Forest

Our selected route: Kälberbronn – Erzgrube – Besenfeld – Enzklösterle (Black Forest Spa Road) – Nonnenmiß – Reichental (Hohloh Tower) – Weisenbach – Forbach – Rote Lache – Scherrhof.

Another special permit was available on this route: The beetles were allowed to drive up to the area of the Hohloh tower (984 m high)! The weather was not very good this morning, but that didn't cloud the good mood. 150 steps must be climbed, then you are 28 m higher with a view of the beetles!

The journey continued in a convoy through a scenic route to the "Scherrhof", hidden in the deep Black Forest; the region is part of Baden-Baden.

As a speciality, Badisches Schäufele was cooked in a root stock and served with homemade potato salad from Baden. A typical Black Forest dish – enjoy your meal. The trout was also excellent!

After a short walk, another highlight awaited the Beetle friends. Via the Black Forest High Road, we crossed the beautiful northern Black Forest. Up to the junction Ruhestein, there it became quaint on the streets. Past the waterfall Allerheiligen, from there to Oppenau and the beetles drive on the Oppenauer Steige with 18% gradient! This gradient already served Ferdinand Porsche to test the beetles. All beetles still mastered this route today!

Again, on the Black Forest High Road to Ruhestein, where we turned off to Baiersbronn via Obertal and Mitteltal. Destination: Hotel Tanne in Tonbach. What we didn't have at our 15th beetle meeting is an original Black Forest cherry cake. This was served to us here - pure Black Forest.

Again, in the nature park hotel Waldsägmühle a 5-course Beetle gala menu was served - excellent...

Afterwards, the K-UE participant certificates were handed over and the day ended with a review of what the club president had experienced together.

Monday, 16 May 2018: Journey home

After the common breakfast of the great “Beetle Family” farewell of the participants. The club board thanked the participants for their participation and wished them a safe journey home. There is one thing to look forward to: The next K-UE beetle meeting is sure to come!

VW-Käfer-Club Última Edición e.V.

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