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5th K-UE Alpine Tour Tyrol

from June, 15th/16th to Juni 24th 2018

To "experience" an alpine tour nowadays with the VW Beetle is a special adventure. Not only because we move in the footsteps of mass motorization with simple technology, but also to do so in the circle of like-minded people. To climb mountains in a Beetle, which SUV's etc.. do almost automatically, is much closer and more intense: The most beautiful connection between two points is a curve!

June 16, 2018 - Trip from Stanzach to Serfaus

Common destination: Stanzach in Austria, from where we start together with the convoy.

The Hahntennjoch is our first Alpine pass. At the pass summit of 1894 m, we make a small stop. This gives us a special feeling! Driving over the pass together is a lot of fun and seeing other road users with thumbs "up" inspires the fact that we are on the right track of past times.

We continue towards Imst in the Pitztal valley. On the Pillerhöhe there is a magnificent view into the valley with the Inn. In the valley we reach Ried, from there it goes to Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis over 11 hairpin bends.

By special permission the Beetle convoy drives up to the Cervosa-Alm and the Kölner Haus at 2000 m altitude. All Beetles park on the terrain of the alp.

Our first hike together leads in the afternoon to Hög Lake with some surprises!

What a great feeling to be at 2000 m altitude and to experience the sunset - the participants enjoy the alpine feeling with the hut dinner.

Afterwards we "listen" to the silence on the alpine pasture and let the arrival day end with delicious drinks on the terraces. A very special atmosphere is in the air - just enjoy!

June 17, 2018 - Hike, the beetles have rest day!

On the panoramic enjoyment trail with views of Serfaus and Fiss to the Möseralm, the grandiose Tyrolean mountains extend to the participants.

In the evening we enjoy again the flair on the alp at 2000 m altitude.

June 18, 2018 - Ascent with the beetles to the Lazid

After breakfast we go with the beetles to 2400 m altitude on the Lazid. This is also a special permit (!); the beetles are placed there in a row next to each other.

Many hiking possibilities - easy to difficult trails - everyone gets inspired by the landscape.

Together the beetles go back to the Cervosa alp; we enjoy the last afternoon at 2000 m altitude; after that we are happy to spend the evening in cheerful company.

June 19, 2018 - Cheese dairy on Komperdell - departure to Serfaus Hotel Cervosa*****

Now it's time to say goodbye to 2000 m altitude. Before that we will visit the cheese dairy at Komperdell, which is not far from the Cervosa alp. There we will be shown how the cheese is prepared.

Afterwards we will drive together from the cheese dairy to Serfaus to the Hotel Cervosa*****. Garage "C" is reserved exclusively for the Beetles.

In the evening, the Beetle drivers will be welcomed at an exclusive reception by the hotel owners Hugo and Gertrude Westreicher. Afterwards, the 5-course dinner for the Beetle friends will be served in the Marienstube. On the terrace or in the hotel halls we let the day end.

June 20, 2018 - Ride over the Kaunertal Glacier Road

The Kaunertal Glacier Road is one of the most beautiful high mountain roads in the Alps. It leads from Feichten to the edge of the "eternal ice" at an altitude of 2750 directly to the Weißseeferner. The well-built panoramic road (toll) overcomes a total of 29 hairpin bends and a difference in altitude of almost 1500 meters on a length of 26 kilometers. Along the glacier road are numerous special features such as the Gepatsch reservoir, Weißsee or the Fernergarten. 29 stations point out the unique natural and cultural experience. The crowning glory is the ride on the Karlesjochbahn: from the viewing platform at 3108 meters we enjoy a breathtaking three-country view of the mountains of Italy, Switzerland and Austria (Tyrol).

A special experience for all Beetle drivers - in wonderful weather. The Beetles are in their element on this glacier road!

In the evening we enjoy the evening menu and let the eventful day come to an end on the terraces.

June 21, 2018 - Ascent Fisser Joch

By means of a special permit, the Beetle convoy in Fiss is allowed to drive up the unique mountain world as far as the Fisser Joch. Here, the incline can only be conquered at walking pace. Next to the building of the Schönjoch cable car (2440 m) the Beetles are parked.

From there we hike the interesting art trail to Schönjöchl (2493 m). There is a giant chair and is perfect for a group photo. Further hiking trails are inviting.

In the early afternoon, the Beetle convoy sets course for Serfaus again; the participants enjoy the hotel with its large wellness area. In the evening, the kitchen spoils again.

June 22, 2018 - Riding on the Silvretta High Alpine Road

Today we will conquer the famous Silvretta high alpine road (toll) with the beetles. But before that we will drive to the Kops reservoir. Heinrich is waiting at the Kops reservoir parking lot - we had already visited him 11 years ago. What a warm reunion. Heinrich lives on the goods road, which is officially not passable and runs parallel to the Silvretta High Alpine Road. For decades Heinrich ran a cartage business, which today the successor generation has taken over.

His family set up a varied and customary snack for the Beetle participants - was that tasty! Even if at first the fog took away the view a bit, the atmosphere was great. Heinrich hadn't missed the opportunity to lead the Beetle convoy with his private SUV.

Then we discover one of the most beautiful and popular panoramic roads of the Alps! The Silvretta High Alpine Road leads 22.3 km from Partenen in Montafon (1,051 m) in 34 hairpin bends over the Bielerhöhe at 2,032 m to Galtür (1,584 m) in the Paznaun Valley. There the beetles were in their element again.

The participants enjoy a stop at the Silvrettasee at an altitude of 2032 m in beautiful sunny weather.

The return trip to Serfaus this time leads from the Ried ascent via Ladis, also a great route with lots of views of the mountains and landscape. In the evening, the participants are again spoiled in the restaurant.

June 23, 2018 - Samnauen/Switzerland

For the last time the Beetle convoy will start together on this 5th K-UE Alpine tour. It goes to Samnauen (Switzerland). There, duty-free shopping is possible (spirits, watches, jewelry, clothing) and inexpensive refueling.

Once again we will enjoy the wellness area in the afternoon and in the evening we will be spoiled with the excellent 5-course dinner.

During a farewell drink and a look back at a very special week of experiences for all participants with the VW Beetles, the participants receive their certificates of participation from the club president and enjoy the last evening together in high spirits with a view to another trip to the Alps.

June 24, 2018 - Journey home

After breakfast, the participants will say goodbye and, as far as possible, return home together.

We look back on an eventful beetle week with nice like-minded people; the next alpine trip will certainly come. Special thanks go to the entire Westreicher family and the Cervosa team, who more than spoiled us with their great care and excellent catering. We will be happy to come back again!

VW-Käfer-Club Última Edición e.V.

Möwenweg 16
41239 Mönchengladbach
Tel. +49 2166 310757

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