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The almost unbelievable story of the Beetle called “Heidi”

About 7 months ago, a young couple named Maria and Manuel who stayed in Mexico purched me, the “Beetle-Car” named “Heidi”. We’ve immediately became best friends. The K-UE managed to receive a German road license for “Heidi” in 2018.

About 7 months ago I was bought in Mexico by a young couple (Maria and Manuel) and we immediately made best friends. I am an Última Edición Beetle in the colour Harvest Moon Beige and even have air conditioning on board. My mileage was under 2000 KM when my new owners took me over and christened me "Heidi". And, since I haven't seen much of the world for many years, now it should be changed spontaneously. But before it started, I was equipped with a tent on the roof! That was - for me as a Beetle - no problem of course.

Walter, the club’s president told me, in the 50's and 60's it was common that one would drive with Beetle over the Alps to Italy and spent the night on the Beetle’s roof in a tent. I was actually put back in old times. No problem for me, because I am a “Beetle” model from August 1967, even though I didn’t leave the assembly line until 2003 in Puebla.

And when it started in April 2018, the route was somehow very unusual! From Mexico I’ve been driven through the USA up to Canada. In addition, you see impressive pictures and the short film - so you get the first impression of myself and both my dear owners Maria and Manuel. We still have much to experience together. Yes, even a movie is planned. I have to say that both had previous been to Kenya and Hawaii and later met me on their trip to Mexico. There were several “Beetles” to choose from, but my new owners didn't even know what they have received in purchasing me.

Yes, a Última Edición sounds good, but...

VW-Käfer-Club Última Edición e.V.

Möwenweg 16
41239 Mönchengladbach
Tel. +49 2166 310757

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